Ultrafiltration systems are ideal for Ground water and surface water treatment, as well as Seawater desalination pretreatment applications. The Ultrafiltration systems come in various models, with capacities of 6 to 112 m3/h. The fully automated system carries out programmed washes during the production cycle. To manage the plant’s automation there is an electric panel complete with PLC, and instrumentation for control and manual command of several plant functions (such as flow meters or pressure transducers) by the operator.

Текущий проект: поставка автоматической системы умягчения, удаляющей минералы и жесткость воды. Регенерация фильтров производится солью, с использованием метода периодической обратной промывки. Цель проекта получение воды, освобожденной от минералов.